Saturday, January 15, 2011

Have a idea.

So my girl  is up in the big apple and checkin out a couple musicals. So as i sit here chillin' i thought to myself why can't i write something like this? These things, while somewhat cheesy which adds to the appeal to those who are devout followers i think, are a form of expression that can encompass all parts of the arts. So i'm thinking about starting one of these now. So we'll see were it goes i am thinking about a story of how a jazz musician makes his way to the top and all the demons that plague him on his journey to follow his passion. Maybe i'll go this route who knows but i think this might be a fun project to work on in part of my free time. It is one of my goals not only to be a film scorer but also write in as many styles as i can. So we'll see where we get but a man can only get as far as he can expect to be and I've only yet begun this journey

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