Whether your a writer trying to find the words to describe a exquisite rose or a artist looking for the colors to bring that rose to life on the page, but as a composer that simple rose becomes quite challenging a task to portray. let me first say that i am no writer nor am i a artist and i love and appreciate these mediums and the creativity that is involved in the creation of both, and i mean not to offend anyone with my words. Now inspiration is a funny because it can happen anywhere, any time and usually happens at times when one can not act on the idea. At least this is generally what happens to me. But when i do find imsppiration its generally things that are very very odd, for instance a piece i wrote last semester called Dream of Spanish Mosquito. The inspiration for this piece hit me one day while i was sitting in my colleges music lounge. a large mosquito esk bug had flown into the room and as i watched my classmates try to herd him out the door i thought to myself "man he must think we all are absolutely nuts" which lead to the thought " humans must give them nightmares" which lead to "what might a mosquito dream about"
But once i had a idea of what i wanted to do it seemed like the music wrote itself and while i have to explain the title the piece can take the listener to this place.
And now i have wrote this i think this rose description sounds like fun, got to go write something down
Till next time peace, love and be easy WGM4